As we age and our bodies operate more slowly and what was a seemingly easy thing to accomplish a few years ago, becomes a bit more difficult. As a result, many seniors need more care than they are able to provide for themselves. From accomplishing daily routines and basic needs to the administration of supplements or medications, assistance with these tasks can help improve seniors’ quality of life. For this reason, seniors and their family members begin exploring their options for finding the right care situation for their aging loved ones. There are many options that families may consider, including in home care from a personal nurse, certified nurse assistant, or personal caregiver. This “aging in place” option is usually more affordable and offers many other benefits to the patient.
One of the biggest advantages of securing in-home care for seniors is affordability. In this time of rising healthcare costs, having your geriatric parent reside in a nursing home or assisted living facility (ALF) may not be the most practical option. This is especially true for families that have other financial priorities, as living in a nursing home costs over $80,000 a year on average. Compared to the high rates of nursing homes, home care is hourly based and you are only paying for the actual services received from your in-home healthcare professional.
While cost is certainly an important factor to consider when choosing a care option plan, seniors’ quality of life is also very important. According to recent studies, seniors would prefer to stay in their own home rather than move into an assisted living facility or nursing home. The privacy and familiarity of their home is comforting to these seniors and it allows them to maintain some independence in their every day life. Their loved ones usually visit seniors who receive in home care more often than seniors living in nursing homes, too. It is much easier and more convenient for a family to go to a home they are used to visiting instead of going to a facility that has scheduled visiting times. In-home care spares the seniors the pain of having to adjust to an entirely new environment, which can add stress to their lives.
As studies have shown, home health care combined with using a private duty, private pay caregiver may also provide other health benefits. Seniors who are recuperating from a medical procedure or undergoing treatment, which may be conducted out of the hospital, heal more quickly and the treatments usually have a higher success rate at home than those who reside in assisted living facilities. This is in part due to a more relaxing ambience in their own familiar home as well as being isolated from other ailing seniors. These studies have also shown the life expectancy for aging adults also decreases when they are removed from their home.
Finally, for those families who want to save money and have the time or desire to do it yourself, hiring your own caregiver is another option. In-home care from a private pay nurse (RN), certified nurse assistant (CAN) or personal care attendant (PCA) caregiver means having the option to hire a healthcare professional that suits not just your budget, but your parents’ specific needs as well. You can choose to hire either a caregiver, a CNA, or a geriatric nurse depending on your needs. If your parents or other loved ones have a condition such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, you can hire a caregiver with specific training in Alzheimer’s care. In addition, you as the employer, can negotiate the pay scale, days of the week, and hours of the day you need the care professional in the home. Essentially, the power to manage the care of your loved ones is in your hands.
Seniors and their families have many options when choosing a care plan. Hiring an in home caregiver to administer care allows you to set your own price, find a nurse or caregiver whose training meets your needs and it can all be done from the comfort of your own home.
About Keep Safe Care Direct
Keep Safe Care Direct is the only company that helps families and individuals find, curate, and manage affordable non-medical in-home care, while solving the chronic problems of caregiver truancy and turnover through the web application, The Company’s platform uses the power of the internet to recruit and manage caregivers nationwide so you can hire, manage, schedule and pay for you care from the comfort of your computer. Our solution lowers stress in hiring a caregiver and saves families tens of thousands of dollars per year in care costs so you can get more care and better outcomes.