Do you know Careseekers can find Caregivers with Keep Safe Care (KSC) Direct’s Self-Service Option?
This is a cost savings but requires careseekers to interview, vet, hire, manage, schedule, and pay for their own caregivers. Caregivers are hired through KSCs online portal at Keep Safe Care Direct and can easily be done with the help of an administrator, friend, or family member.
More information is available at KSC Direct.
Click the I NEED CARE button to start.
KSC is changing the way in-home, private duty care is delivered with Homemaker, Recuperate, and Transport services. Our extensive technology to amass a large pool of caregivers offers careseekers a more cost efficient system of delivery. KSC has access to over 620 + caregivers in the greater Austin area and 75,000 + throughout the U.S. KSC prides itself on the delivery of exceptional caregivers to our careseekers, paying them a higher rate than the industry standard, ensuring a successful match while lowering costs.
Patricia Potyka, MA, VP Community Affairs / / 844.453.3772